1. Within the last 14 days, has the person to be vaccinated felt ill with fever, cough, or shortness of breath; or tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days or had recent exposure to someone who tested positive?
2. Does the person to be vaccinated today have allergies to medications, eggs or other foods, latex or any vaccine component, including previous influenza vaccinations?
3. Has the person to be vaccinated today ever had a serious reaction after receiving any vaccination?
5. Does the person to be vaccinated today have cancer, leukemia, HIV/AIDs, or any other immune system problem?
6. In the past 3 months, has the person to be vaccinated taken medications that weaken the immune system, i.e. prednisone, or other steroids (prednisone > 20mg/day or equivalent for longer than 2 weeks), anticancer drugs, Humira®, Remicade®, or Enbrel®, methotrexate, azathioprine, or have they had radiation treatments?
7. Has the person to be vaccinated ever had a seizure, brain or nervous system disorder, or Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome?
8. During the past year, has the person to be vaccinated received a transfusion of blood or blood products, or been given immune (gamma) globulin?
9. Does the person to be vaccinated today expect to have close contact with a person whose immune system is severely compromised?
10. Is the person to be vaccinated on antiviral medications?
11. For women: Is the person to be vaccinated pregnant, or could she become pregnant within the next month?
12. For children under 18 years old: Is the child to be vaccinated on aspirin or aspirin-containing therapy?
13. Has the person to be vaccinated today received any vaccinations or skin tests (i.e. TB test) in the past 4 weeks?
14. Do you have a history of thrombocytopenia or thrombocytopenia purpura (MMR only)?